Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Plenary Sessions Pave the Way for "Cure Not Treatment"

By: Brian Caine

Cell Therapy Bioprocessing & Commercialization got off to an exciting start as plenary speakers Marc Better PhD, Julie Alllickson PhD and Bruce Levine described the cell therapy landscape and their outlined progress.

More than 200 cell therapy professionals heard Dark Horse Consulting president and event chairperson Anthony Davies set the stage by reviewing the real progress and strides the cell therapy market has made while acknowledging the hard work that the industry is facing.

Marc Better, Phd, Vice President, Product Services at Kite Pharma kicked off the first of three presentations describing the market as "exciting and challenging". He outlined the general challenges faced by Kite Pharma and focused on the solutions it implemented to effectively and successfully engineer autologous T cell therapies.

Julie Allickson, PhD, Director, Regenerative Medicine Clinical Center, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine said real commercialization would come as research moved to "cure, not treatment".

She provided attendees with Wake Forest’s approach to determine what process design, development, manufacturing, and technologies will best support their initiatives.

"Academic and industry must come together in order to be successful," she said to create "a manufacturing roadmap for TERM Technologies".

Allickson reinforced the need to create a consortium to develop infrastructure and resources to advance manufacturing and set a standards. She also noted that bio-printing is showing greta results and has a bright future.

Bruce Levine, PhD, Associate Professor in Cancer Gene Therapy, University of Pennsylvania detailed their approach to targeting tumors with CAR-modified T-Cells and reported on the positive short and long term results.

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