Wednesday, September 24, 2014

BioProcess International Poster Preview:Large-scale Production of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in BioBLU® 5c Single-use Vessels

Leading up to the BioProcess International Event, we'll be highlighting many of the posters you'll be able to find in the hall at the event taking place October 20-23, 2015 in Boston, MA. If you'd like to join us at the event, as a reader of this blog, when you register to join us and mention code BLOG13JP, you'll save 20% off the standard rate!

Poster: Large-scale Production of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells in BioBLU® 5c Single-use Vessels

Presenter: Khandaker Siddiquee, Eppendorf, Inc.

About: Stem cell-based regenerative medicine has great potential to revolutionize human disease treatments. Among the various stem cell platforms, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent one of the highest potentials as evidenced by clinical trial activities. Currently, there are over 400 clinical trials based on MSCs registered at Although successful expansion of MSCs in vitro has been well established, the large clinical-scale production of MSCs remains a bottleneck, potentially limiting the immediate clinical applications should some of the ongoing trials receive FDA approval. In this study, we demonstrate the success of large clinical-scale culture of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AdMSCs) in an industrial single-use vessel at 3.75 liter (L) scale (working volume). The vessel offers a precision controlled environment for the ideal growth of stem cells under simulated physiological conditions. Stem cells and culture media were monitored, analyzed, and controlled, thus allowing us to produce AdMSCs in large clinical-scale quantities while maintaining healthy stem cell properties as evidenced by stem cell marker assays and differentiation assays performed at the end of the culture. Furthermore, with clinical relevance in mind, every cell culture step from T-flask to shake flask to bioreactor vessel was conducted strictly using single-use consumables.

Can't make it to  Boston for the whole event but still want to browse the Exhibit Hall and check out the BPI Innovation Theater?  You can join us with an Exhibit Hall and Keynote Pass!  Find out more and register here.

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